Aug 5Liked by Peter Grey

I am reminded of Closed Circuits’ “Spy Song,” with its couplet “In time I’ve come to realise/That there is no theft in lies.” Fascinating to see the skein of the spy and witch crafts further entangled.

Something is now tugging at my mind to do with the intersection of spycraft in the digital world, and the ‘Black Circuit’ essay suggesting that the Babalon working might be linked to the rise of AI. A tangent, but as ever you are much appreciated for the poetic inspirations.

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Thanks Chris, the digital is a war of spies right now, and precious few witches.

A lot to consider in what you are saying. Appreciate your friendship and artistic talent very much.

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Jul 31Liked by Peter Grey

Excellent. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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Thanks Gast!

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Jul 30·edited Aug 1Liked by Peter Grey

Fascinating article! Enjoyed it very much!

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I really shouldn't read these posts in the evening. I'm going to be up for another few hours buzzing over some of those Williamson quotes I've not come across before. These articles have been both a wonderful validation of, and much needed fresh perspective for my own ideas concerning the Walsingham Principle. Your observations on the parallels between the spycraft of the two Elizabethan eras and Williamson's resonance with this certainly challenges my previous thoughts on the incident in which he attempted to import soil from France for the museum on the Isle of Man. I'm still unable to fully nail my colours to the mast of an established Walsingham continuum, but its shape and modus operandi is infinitely more plausible compared to the alternatives. Again, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this subject and for following that serpentine thread from Phoenicia to Boscastle and beyond.

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Williamson up to some Dracula hijinks there with the earth...

There is something behind the Walsingham claim, and it has kept me up at night too. I can't imagine how that can ever be corroborated, even if there is an MI6 file release it is unlikely to have recorded his witchcraft contacts, and we are very late in the day for anyone to come forward.

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Fascinating trip into West Country magicking, Peter.

Just as a sidenote to Cecil/Walsingham and Dee, have you ever read of the theory that Giordano Bruno was a double agent for the Duke of Guise/Mary Stuart and Cecil at the same time, during his stay in London?

It's set out in John Bossy, "Giordano Bruno and the Embassy Affair" (2022). I find it a very interesting analogue to Crowley and his own intelligence involvement.

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Just gone to abe and picked up a copy. Thanks for the recommend, I look forward to reading it.

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You're very welcome. It's a fun read and Bossy makes a fair case, though he's highly opinionated and contentious.

But I was primed for that theory anyway as I'm a crazed Bruno devotee and would back him in a fight with humdrum Dee any day.

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We're more in favour of Kelley than Dee, but Bruno is also a popular saint in these parts.

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